Infinite-Dimensional Internal Model Regulators for Finite-Dimensional Systems


The objective of this project is to study the robust output regulation problem of finite-dimensional nonlinear systems by means of infinite-dimensional internal model controllers. The output regulation problem arises in a large number of problems such as tracking, disturbance rejection and optimal steady-state control. Following the celebrated internal model principle, we aim at developing the theory of infinite-dimensional regulators by means of conservative and dissipative operators. During the project, we aim also at developing new tools for the stabilization of interconnections of PDE and (nonlinear) ODEs and at studying the finite dimensional realization of the proposed regulators. The control problem of heat exchanger networks will be used as a pilot test for experimental validations of the proposed methodology.


Daniele Astolfi

Project leader

Vincent Andrieu


Ulysse Serres


Boussad Hamroun


Madiha Nadri


Mathieu Bajodek


Tanguy Simon




Kick-off meeting



Journal papers

A. Cecilia , D. Astolfi , M. Bin , R. Costa-Castelló, " Cancelling output disturbances in observer design through internal model filters "
Automatica, 2024, 162, pp.111529. " 10.1016/j.automatica.2024.111529 " hal-04355387.

M. Giaccagli , S. Zoboli , D. Astolfi , V. Andrieu , G. Casadei, " Synchronization in networks of nonlinear systems: Contraction analysis via Riemannian metrics and deep-learning for feedback estimation "
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2024, 69 (11), pp.8041-8048. " 10.1109/TAC.2024.3407015 " hal-03801100.

M. Bin , D. Astolfi , L. Marconi" Robust internal models with a star-shaped attractor are linear "
Automatica, 2024, 166, pp.111698. " 10.1016/j.automatica.2024.111698 " hal-04764417.

M. Spirito , D. Astolfi" An explicit solution to the generalized Lyapunov matrix inequality "
Systems and Control Letters, 2024, 192, pp.105905. " 10.1016/j.sysconle.2024.105905 " hal-04366789.

M. Giaccagli , D. Astolfi , V. Andrieu , L. Marconi" Incremental stabilization of cascade nonlinear systems and harmonic regulation: a forwarding-based design "
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2024, 69 (7), pp.4828-4835. " 10.1109/TAC.2024.3358985 " hal-04410732.

M.N. Monfared , Y. Kawano , J. Machado , D. Astolfi , M. Cucuzzella" Stabilization for a Class of Bilinear Systems: A Unified Approach "
IEEE Control Systems Letters, 2023, 7, pp.2475-1456. " 10.1109/LCSYS.2023.3289703 " hal-04179060.

V. Andrieu , D. Astolfi , A. Cellier-Devaux" Edges' Riemannian energy analysis for synchronization of multi-agent nonlinear systems over undirected weighted graphs "
Automatica, In press. " 10.1016/j.automatica.2024.111950 " hal-04759628.

D. Astolfi, " Infinite-dimensional internal models for nonlinear robust output regulation "
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control " (under review) " hal-04764417.

L. Ma , N. Vanspranghe , D. Astolfi , V. Andrieu , M. Bajodek , et al. " Nested Saturation Proportional Derivative Control for Conservative PDE-ODE Interconnections: the Gantry Crane Example "
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control " (under review) " hal-04780869.

Conference papers

D. Astolfi , J. Simpson-Porco , G. Scarciotti, "On the Role of Dual Sylvester and Invariance Equations in Systems and Control"
7th IFAC Conference on Analysis and Control of Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos, IFAC, Jun 2024, London, United Kingdom. pp.20-27. " 10.1016/j.ifacol.2024.07.058 " hal-04766622

G. Quoc Bao Tran , P. Bernard , V. Andrieu , D. Astolfi, "Constructible Canonical Form and High-gain Observer in Discrete Time"
63rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control - CDC2024, Milan, December 2024. " 10.1016/j.ifacol.2024.07.058 " hal-04685007

L. Ma, V. Andrieu, D. Astolfi, C. Xu and X. Lou, "Boundary control with integral action for a class of grantry crane systems"
62th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control - CDC2023, Singapore, December 2023. " 10.1109/CDC49753.2023.10383266 hal-04195996

M. Giaccagli, D. Astolfi and V. Andrieu, "Further results on incremental input-to-state stability based on contraction-metric analysis"
62th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control - CDC2023, Singapore, December 2023. " 10.1109/CDC49753.2023.10384172 " hal-04196098

M. Bajodek, D. Astolfi, "Comparison between different continuous-time realizations based on the tau method of a nonlinear repetitive control scheme"
62th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control - CDC2023, Singapore, December 2023. " 10.1109/CDC49753.2023.10384072 hal-04178964

A. Cecilia , D. Astolfi , M. Bin , R. Costa-Castelló, "A masking protocol for private communication and attack detection in nonlinear observers"
62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, CDC 2023, Singapore, December 2023. " 10.1109/CDC49753.2023.10383327 " hal-04196266


Phone: +33 4 72 43 18 63
Room: G318

Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1
Bâtiment CPE, 3ème étage
Campus Lyontech
3 Rue Victor Grignard
69100 Villeurbanne